Ross's Deborah JeanHybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Dangling Participle X Webster's Pink Wonder)
Height 35" bloom 8",Tetraploid, 4 branches , 22 buds, Semi-evergreen
Midseason Unusual Form Cascade Pink with yellow eye and green throat pollen and pod fertile.
$40.00 double fan.
Digger's Raspberry Delight Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Carolina Dale X Clarifacation)
Height 29", Bloom 7.25"
2 branches , 17 buds ,Tetraploid ,Dormant ,Mid- late
Pink with Raspberry eye and green throat with raspberry veining on petals
and small gold edge on petals and sepals. Fertile pod and pollen
$40.00 double fan
New York New York Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Lone Star Red Stallion x Miss Demeanor)
Height 43",Bloom 10", 3 branches, 14 buds
midseason ,Tetraploid , Unusual Form Crispate
deep red yellow eye and green throat
$40 double fan
Regina's Big Baby Girl Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Regina Sitko X One More Angel)
Height 37" Bloom 8.5" 3 branches ,13 buds
Tetraploid ,Mid-late ,semi-evergreen
Pinkish red with white watermark petals and sepals, yellow eye and green throat.Pollen Fertile difficult pod parent
$60.00 double fan
The Rock Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Megatron X Baughston Hornswaggler)
Height 27"-Bloom 8",Season mid-late ,Tetraploid, 2 branches, 15 buds
Dark red with yellow eye and green throat with white midribs and fine white edge on petals and sepals.
pollen and pod fertile.
$60.00 double fan
My Name is Groot Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Big Sur X Miss Demeanor)
Tetraploid, 41"-7.5", 3 branches, 10 buds,Early-mid season
Unusal Form Crispate Yellow with white midribs and peach blush on petals and green throat and slightly ruffled edge.
Pod and Pollen fertile
$40.00 double fan.
D.J. Monroe Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Greatest Gift Of All X Buffalo Blizzard)
Height 28"-7"bloom, 3 branches, 11 buds Midseason, Tetraploid, Dormant
Yellow brushed with peach on petals and sepals. Yellow ruffled edge and green throat pollen and pod fertile.
$40.00 double fan
Ross's Norma Jean Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Kathrine Caldwell x Miss Demeanor)
40"-8" Tetraploid, Season mid, semi evergreen,3-4 way branching 15-18 buds
UF polychrome pink with white ribs and orange eye extending onto petals and sepals.Fertile both ways
$80.00 double fan
Late Shift Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Barb White X Miss Demeanor)
34"-9",Late season ,Tetraploid,3branches,16 buds
Semi evergreen,Uf Crispate peach self with green throat.
Double Fan $40.00
She's a Doozie Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Dangling Participle X Webster's Pink Wonder)
Height 30" Bloom 10" Tet , Mid-late, Dormant, 12 buds ,two way branching,. Fertile pod and pollen UF crispate Lavender pink with green throat.
$60.00 double fan.
The Red Witch Hybridizer R. Kenyon
( Lone Star Red Stallion X Miss Demeanor)
Height 36" Bloom7.5" Tet , Mid -late, Semi evergreen,Unusual Form Cascade
Red with yellow eye and green throat and white midribs on petals.
$40.00 double fan. pollen fertile pod difficult
C.A. JarczykHybirdizer R. Kenyon
( White Eyes Pink Dragon X Miss Demeanor)
Bloom7",Height 29",12 buds,3 branches, mid-late,dormant,Tet UF cascade dark pink with white midribs on petals, yellow eye, green throat.
$75.00 double fan.
Girly Man Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
( White Eyes Pink Dragon X Miss Demeanor )
Bloom 8",Height 35",15 buds,4 branches, season early-middle,Dormant,Tet.
UF Cascade Pink with white midribs petals, yellow eye, green throat
$75.00 double fan
Gladis Over Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Welding The Titanic X Whip City Oogie Woogie )
Bloom 9",Height40" ,11buds,3 branches ,mid season, Dormant, Tet.
Unusual Form Cascade ,Yellow with yellow throat and orange overlay on sepals and petals.
$75 double fan
Luna Dunes Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
( One More Angel X Whip City Oogie Woogie )
Bloom 7.5",Height 32",10 buds, 2way branching ,season Late, Dormant Tet
UF Crispate Ivory with white midribs on petals and sepals with green throat. Fertile pod and pollen
$75.00 double fan
Pink Party Princess Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(One More Angel X White Eyes Pink Dragon)
Bloom7",Scape 33",14 Buds,2 Branches, Season Late,Semi-Evergreen,Tet.
Pink with white midribs petals, white watermark, green throat and fine white edge on petals and sepals.Fertile both ways
$75.00 double fan
Ross's Pink Cloud Hybridizer R. Kenyon
(Kathrine Caldwell X White Eyes Pink Dragon)
Bloom7.5",Height 32",11 buds,2 branches, semi-evergreen Tet.
Pink with white midribs petals, white watermark with yellow eye and green throat. Pod and pollen fertile.
$80.00 double fan.
Miss Darien LakeHybirdizer R. Kenyon
( White eyes Pink Dragon X Miss Demeanor ) Height 32",13 Buds, 3 way branching,Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Season Middle-Late.Unusual form Crispate Fertile Both Ways but difficult pod parent.deep pink with light watermark yellow eye with a green throat.
Double fan $100.00
The End Game Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Miss Demeanor X Welding The Titanic) 37" tall,7"bloom,13 Buds,4Way branching,Season Late,Dormant.Unusual Form Cascade Redish Orange with yellow midrib on petals and a yellow eye.
$60.00 double fan.
Ross's Solar FlareHybirdizer R. Kenyon
Tet 27"-7" Dynamite Bright X Firebird Suite 20 buds 4way branching Orange with large red eye above a golden throat. $ 80.00 Double Fan.
And The Angels SangHybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Kathrine Caldwell X Heavenly New Frontiers) Height 27" x 7",16 Buds, 4 way branching,Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Midseason. Pink with yellow eye and green throat with a fine white toothy edge. Fertile pod and pollen
Single fan $125.00
Jane Ryan Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Jordan's Jazz X Mean Green) 36" tall,8"bloom,14 Buds,3Way branching,Season Mid-Late,Dormant.Named after the person that makes F.I.E.L.D.S. Daylily Club Fun.Orange with red veining on petals with a red eye and large green throat. Pollen fertile.
$100.00 single fan.
Kathryn's Gift Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Freedom of Expression X Autumn Lavender) 29" tall,8"bloom,14 Buds,3Way branching,Season Mid, SEV.Named after a friend in Lewiston N.Y. Large Lavender bloom with green eye and throat.
Held for Increase.
Mighty Niagara Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Regina Sitko X Not Named After My Wife Linda) 37" tall,8"bloom,19 Buds,4Way branching,Season EarlyMid, SEV Fragrant.Pinkish red with white watermark.Green eye and throat fertile both ways.
$100.00 Double fan
Rose Against Time Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
( Kathrine Caldwell X Heavenly New Frontiers) 27" tall,8"bloom,13 Buds,3Way branching,Season Mid, SEV Fragrant.Pink with white watermark on petals and sepals.Yellow ruffled edge and green throat.
$125.00 Single fan
Snap Cristate Pop Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
(Aces Full X Heavenly New Frontiers) 26" tall,7"bloom,12 Buds, 4Way branching,Season Mid, SEV.Salmon with yellow eye and green throat and a gold toothy edge on petals. Pod and pollen fertile.
Totally consistent in it's cristate form. Every bloom but two were Cristate
$150.00 Single fan
Whiskey Tango Foxtrott Hybirdizer R. Kenyon
( Lone Star Red Stallion X Clarification) 33" tall,8"bloom,15 Buds, 3Way branching,Season Mid, SEV.Pinkish red on sepals and petals with red veining on petals. Deep red eye with yellowish green throat.
$60.00 Double fan